Name: NGC 2024 + Barnard 33
Alternate Names: (NGC 2024, SH2-277, Flame Nebula) + (Barnard 33, Horsehead Nebula)
Constellation: Orion
Distance: 1,500 Light Years
Type: Flame Nebula = Emission Nebula + Horsehead = Dark Nebula
Discovered: William Herschel February 1, 1786
Fun Facts: The Horsehead Nebula is a small dark nebula. What makes it stand out is the large ionized Hydrogen region behind it, another nebula known as IC 434. The size of IC 434 is 60 x 10 Arc Minutes.
Telescope: Televue NP101
Camera: SBIG 8300C
Mount Losmandy G11
Exposure: 42×600 Seconds
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